Environmental parameter collection and regulation
For the Central Controller, the current humidity demand of each zone is provided by the zone controllers, installed in the zones and connected to the industrial network (RS 485) with the central controller.
The zone controller measures the temperature and humidity of the zone and controls the zone humidity based on the preset parameters. It is possible to program and set the required parameters via the RS485 network from the Central Controller (DCC) or from the console of the unit itself. Operation is simple and easy to understand.
Multi-zone solutions
Effective humidity control
Continuous parameter control
Zone controllers are mainly used to serve larger areas or areas with different humidity requirements. For service and safety reasons, the cut-off switch of the misting units are also located here. The sensors can be calibrated on demand.
+ Serving areas with different humidity requirements
+ Modular, expandable design
+ Artificial intelligence based control
+ End-to-end diagnostics

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